Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A New Stovepipe

The stovepipe was fifteen years old, and when the chimney sweep came out to clean it he allowed that he would rather replace it. Visions of his brushes poking out the rusted holes, no doubt. This being busy season for chimney sweeps, he came out to do the job on Sunday afternoon, on the roof and in the house.

It was sunny and chilly. From the rooftop you could see the red and ochre oak trees rushing up the ridge. Indoors, the girls spent the afternoon singing together and playing piano. Then it was quiet, and the simmering pot of spicy chicken soup took over the house.

All that is why, when we finally sat down to dinner, and the new fire heated up the wood stove, the chimney sweep sat down too and just kept us company for a while. He said so.


  1. Our chimney sweep is an amuzing little fellow who shows up wearing his stovepipe hat.....gallantly bows and greats you....then places his hat in a safe place because he then proceeds to get rather dirty. He also enjoys sharing a meal....I believe I was serving waffles last time. :)

  2. Such a beautiful picture, Anna. You put a tear in my eye. :) A good tear.

  3. That Chimney Sweep knows a good thing when he sees it...and tastes it! I am sure blessing went both was in extending hospitality and being the recipient of it.

  4. If he didn't jump into the singing with "I does what I likes, and I likes what I do," I'd say you got short changed.

  5. Spending time with your family was balm to his soul, I'm sure!
    Spicy chicken soup? Sounds delicious.

  6. It's like Burt meets Pa! Love it! How did you make your soup spicy?

  7. If shaking hands with a sweep is lucky, I can't imagine the flood of good fortune that will come to you now that you've had a sweep share your table!

  8. Great post and if I was the chimmney sweet I'd sit down for Spicy Chicken Soup too, and I notice we have the same kettle. I found mine at an estate sale this Summer and I love it!

  9. That is the sweetest little red tea pot. And, Bella's Sunday Finery is a favorite -- I adore the color brown.

    Spicy Chicken Soup -- Won't you share the recipe in the near future?

  10. Lovely picture you paint. Fall is my favorite season and oaks probably my favorite trees and neither available here in Kenya, though our high altitude does make our fireplace a very welcome part of our home many times during the year. We could have used a chimney sweep for our stove when I was growing up. I seem to remember it catching on fire a few times.

  11. you tell the best stories.

    We need to get our chimeny cleaned sometime soon - hope we get a story-worthy guy.

  12. I have that teapot too, in yellow. :) Yard sale.

    Now I want to make a big pot of chicken soup. Yum!

  13. I couldn't help but notice Daisy in that enduring little snuggle of girl and blankie. Precious!
