Thursday, January 27, 2011

Daisy Draping

I looked in the sewing room and saw Lucille decked out as a bride, in scraps from the dress-up trunk.

Daisy was just putting the final red velvet touches on her ensemble.


  1. that's one impressive dress up trunk!

  2. Mucho apologies if I've already relayed this to you, but seeing the photos tonight of Daisy draping, sakes alive, do you ever watch videos? Have you seen The House of Eliot? It takes place in 1920's England/London. Two sisters. Lots of draping, handstitching, designing at a board, choosing of fabrics, etc. You'd of course want to see it yourself, if you haven't - for screening, and it may be way too early. Just sayin....

  3. Daisy and Lucille in the top picture. I love the hand spread 'Just so'. And the light. Perhaps one of my favourite pictures from your blog.

  4. Dress-up dais'. (I couldn't resist.) Remember them well. My girls still have their dress-up clothes hampers. They'll pass them down for fun winter days such as these.

  5. She's standing on a stool, right?
    Aw. Had we had a manequin/dummy when I was small, I would have done this, too. We didn't, so we dressed up ourselves. :-)

  6. She is so cute !!!

    I just love your page, if you have noticed that your counter has hit the roof, it's me ;-))

  7. A designer in the making, I do believe!

  8. What a world your daughter lives in! Can I send my daughter over to join?

  9. You must have crept up behind very quietly!

  10. I had thought I didn't need a dressmaker's form, but now I think I do. That is a wonderful way to play dress up! I love the touch of red velvet and Daisy's serious affect - this is real work.

    And just think, we've told our 5 year old that we will get her a Barbie to dress up when she's old enough to understand that women don't really look like that. I was 11 when I got my first Barbie and all I was interested in was making outfits.
    Going to price dress forms right now.

  11. I just am so tickled at the glimpses of daily life you capture...such innocence and grace ~ so lovely!

    I think Miss Daisy and my Miss Emma would get along fabulously...she'll be 5 in August.

  12. The light in these photos is just gorgeous. As is Daisy's draped creation, of course!

  13. Oh that is beautiful. Teach me how to be a girl mommy, please?
