Saturday, July 23, 2011

Gift-Wrapping with Patterns

A variation on wrapping with newspaper--the good insides of an otherwise throwaway sewing pattern from the thrift store. The tissue sheets are a beautiful, subtle color for packing or wrapping packages, and lately I've been loving the instruction sheets as well. Not as messy as newsprint, with more refined graphics, and beautiful-looking with a little thrifted ribbon tied around.


  1. This would be for Giles or Felix? One of them rounds off the summer birthdays, right?

  2. Great idea, assuming you'll not need those instructions again... I love using what I have instead of going out and buying the customary thing. My most recent gift giving was hostess presents for people who put us up for a night or three. I took Royal Mail's collectable stamps with pictures of Wills & Kate to my framing guy at the flea market. These small pictures were gift wrapped in sheets from a large out-of-date road map book from the UK, with ribbons to match the road markings or the North Sea.

  3. One of my birthday presents this year (a beautiful handmade apron that can be seen on my blog: )arrived like this - I wish I had taken a photo of the wrapping too - there was a bow fashioned from a piece of the instructions. Such a great idea.

  4. Shelley, I'm using junk patterns from the thrift store. I'd never dispose of the instructions from a live pattern! Rose, this was for Bella's celebration--we had to catch her a little early before she leaves for camp.

  5. You are more faithful at re-purposing than anyone I know. A good example!


  6. Lovely idea, Anna! That is one gift wrapping idea that never would have occured to me. Thank you so much for sharing!

  7. Thats a great idea! I find alot of gift wrap and ribbon at thrift stores. Actually got the idea from you:). I like the creative use of sewing patterns, its a nice change from all the wrappings of today:).

  8. This is so clever. Thank you for sharing it! Kathi

  9. I just saw this post and thought, I must show you the present I gave to a good friend a couple of weeks ago, and lo and behold, that same good friend has referred to it in a comment! This was Beckie's present, wrapped and unwrapped. . .
