Friday, November 04, 2011

Bright November Afternoon

A new friend with tiny children (hurray!), ginger shortbread, sunshine, clean house, packages mailed, weekend ahead.


  1. Ginger shortbread? YUM!! Care to share that recipe??

  2. Ginger shortbread sounds fantastic! I am drinking my last cup of tea of the day right now, and something gingery would be the perfect treat!

  3. Sounds perfectly November. We are so ready for this time of year. ...and, there's never a shortage of tiny children here.

    Love, kathi

  4. Sounds so wonderful! While I generally love life in Kenya, I do miss Novembers in the northern hemisphere.

  5. Are you making the boys care packages? What type of things do you put into them?

  6. Farrah, I usually mail them sturdy, moist cookies, like oatmeal cookies with coconut in them. And I've been crocheting things to make Giles' apartment cozy. Felix doesn't get so many packages because we get to see him in person every couple of weeks!
