Friday, August 03, 2012

A Back-Wrapping Plaid Dress for Bella: McCall 8164

I wish I could find this pattern in my size, you know? I made one for Bella several years ago and she's worn it out and requested another one, and could I please utilize my improved fitting skills? Yes.

The charm of this dress in plaid is, obviously, the bias flounce panel that makes up the bottom front.

Someone passed along a generous amount of this crinkled cotton plaid, and there was enough left over to make a dress for Daisy. Of course, she asked for a back-wrapping dress, and of course I said I didn't have a pattern for that in her size, and then of course when I looked in the stash, there was one right there! So she got what she wanted.

And here she is racing off the visit the box turtle that lives in the vegetable garden in a big hole in the okra patch, under the red canvas awning. That turtle is living the life!


  1. Beautiful dresses for lovely girls - I REALLY like the bias plaid flounce.

  2. LOVE that dress! Looks terrific on her. Really lovely work.

  3. That is a beautiful picture of Bella, with her lovely smile. (in MD)

  4. I love that fabric! Plaid is so versatile. Bella's smile is lovely. I realized that it was a repeat when I saw Giles took the photo of the pattern. :)

  5. I've never seen a back-wrapping dress. But that bias panel is gorgeous! I LOVE bias plaid - the sundress I finished recently has a triangle of bias plaid as the yoke.

    My daughter is noching (this is a PA Dutch word meaning cosseting and nursing, almost to death!) some tadpoles. Reminds me of what Daisy is doing.

  6. What a beautiful girl!! And the dress patterns & colours are perfect for her! :) Well done! I love that it's very feminine & modest!

  7. What a beautiful silhouette!

  8. What a neat pattern, with how it wraps in the back. I love the fact that you made them out of plaid. Bella looks perfectly fitted. Awesome job!

  9. That is a beautiful dress, Anna. Would love to sew this for my daughters.

  10. Nice dress! It makes me think of the "I Love Lucy" show (at least seasons 1 & 2), and all of Ethel Mertz's lovely house-dresses! =)

  11. I love this pattern and both girls look beautiful.. The fabric is just perfect.
