Sunday, October 14, 2012

And Now, from Paris

We were up all night on a plane, but not complaining, because now we are on an island in the middle of the Seine--Ile de la Cite--for the next week, being tourists in Paris.

The apartment has balconies. We're just down the block from Notre Dame.

We've joined the Composer's parents--they're here for a month!--Bella got her school assignments and is already keeping up with German vocabulary. Hope the French doesn't confuse her.

So many cathedrals within a stone's throw! The Composer and I just did a quick walk this evening in a little bit of rain. Around the block, then over the bridge to Ile Saint-Louis,

and poked our heads into Saint-Louis-en-l'Ile church, just to whet our appetites for tomorrow's sight-seeing.

And shopping . . . and eating . . . and enjoying.


  1. So beautiful! I've only spent one afternoon in Paris (changing planes on Paris airport does not count), but I loved the centre, around the Seine.

  2. Just lovely. Looking forward to chic french views and vignettes on the blog for our eyes to feast on.

  3. Paris in the rain! What could possibly be said about that, which hasn't been said already? How EXCITING!!!!!!!!


  4. Praying God blesses you with a wonderful time in France.

    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted

  5. I have been following your blog for years. Your photos always take my breath away, but these. WOW! I am enjoying Paris through your eyes. Enjoy your trip!

  6. Enjoy your stay! We lived there (and homeschooled there) 10 years ago, and I never tire of Paris. Post often, if you can.

  7. Oh, how amazing! I am so jealous! lol Hope you all have a wonderful time! One of my coworkers is moving with her hubby and children to Paris for a year for his job. I'm jealous of them too!

  8. What a trip! Impressed that Bella is doing schoolwork, even in Paris! Have a wonderful time :)

  9. Oh you lucky things to be waking up in Paris ! Enjoy ! X

  10. So exciting! I would love to go back to Paris. I was only there two days, but did it ever make me wish I could stay longer....

  11. Mon dieu! Hope you aren't too jet lagged.

  12. Oh my! I'm sure you'll enjoy yourselves immensely. The Musée d'Orsay is one of my top recommendations, as is doing a tour of the sewer system (truly - Musée des Égouts, it's called. If you've ever read Les Misérables you'll know it as the setting for Jean Valjean's rescue of Marius). And if you get a chance for a day trip go to Giverny. Wear your prettiest dresses and pose on the Japanese bridge in Monet's garden. Trust me - it's idyllic!

  13. No! How wonderful! I've always wanted to go to Paris. Had you been before? I know you will have an amazing week and I'm eagerly anticipating additional posts.

    The mirror behind Bella is epic. So Parisian!

  14. Lucky ducky!

    I'm impressed with Bella's school dedication.

    Hope you're having a blast!

  15. Thank you for sharing your trip with us. Can we go to the markets and shops? Please?

  16. Wow, one of the great things of homeschooling! You say she got her assignments- is she doing online or distance classes or something?

  17. I love it how your family is never predictable. Just when I get used to postings on goats and sewing projects and yummy cakes...bam!'re off to Paris! Secretly I hope that you go home and bake more cakes and find more thrift store goodies, and then go skydiving or bronco busting! I love it! Have a fabulous trip!
