Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Pretty Bathroom for Bella

Remember back in the spring when we started our bathroom renovations? It's taken until now to get the girls' upstairs bathroom finished. Life, and work, and wallpaper gum slowed us down.

I'm lucky to be married to a perfectionist (I haven't always seen things that way!) so although I had to wait, it was worth it to have his wonderful painting skills brought to bear on this little room.

Bella chose the paint (Benjamin Moore's Bath Salts) with confidence; we didn't even buy a quart to test it, she was so sure, and it is surely beautiful. Hard to capture in this south-facing room with lots of golden light at this time of year; it's a beautiful pale blue-green-gray. We balanced it with a white wall behind the sink and toilet.

I had found a wonderful peeling metal shelf unit to hang on the wall over the potty, and a thrift store cabinet to keep all the bathroom supplies in, near the window.

A white cyclamen from Lowe's for under $4, a paperdoll collage my mother made, 

 a watercolor self-portrait I did years ago (I'm holding baby Bella in the picture); my mother's ancient Steiff owl, bill-less and beloved,

 and even Bella's chocolate brown robe on the back of the door, in keeping with the bathroom colors.


  1. Very pretty. How do the girls like the floor? I would like to put the small tiles in a bathroom. I love that vintage look.

  2. So beautiful! I love the cyclamen. Normally, I find cyclamens overwhelming, but in this bathroom, with these colours, it fits right in.

  3. I LOVE that Steiff. They age so uniquely. My sister's mother-in-law had some from the turn of the *last* century, as in 1900! Bella has great taste!

  4. I love the whole thing!

    Thank you for showing us the watercolor you painted of you and Bella. It's just beautiful, primarily because of the subjects.

  5. It's so pretty...and clean! I would love to see a close up of the painting. I hope Bella enjoys it since there's only 2 girls in the house now!

  6. Oh, the floor, the floor!! Interesting that Bella was so sure of the wall color. I think your girls have absorbed your artistic way with colors, etc., and it will surface in interesting ways.


  7. Sigh - another testament to loveliness. Simplicity and treasures that mean something.

  8. What a pretty room. The floor is lovely too. Everything looks fresh and airy. The water colour looks amazing. You are so talented. Lily. xxx

  9. Hello Anna! This is lovely... Could you share how you put everything together? What was the starting point? The curtains? Something else? Who had the idea to display the watercolor, collage, etc...
    Very interested in the process here as it is not something I learned while growing up (as seems to be the case with Bella!) so it does not come easy to me, while you make it look effortless (wich I'm sure it's not really).
    Hope Bella enjoys her bathroom, and Clara when she comes back.

    Gabrielle (in France)

  10. Kelley Highway: I like that!

    Farrah, Bella does like having the bathroom to herself (she'll have to share for the holidays though!).

    Gabrielle, after the wall color was on, I just wandered the house looking for things that would look good with that color. I had already been hunting out shelves at the thrift store in a neutral cream. The curtain is a vintage tablecloth that we were using to cover the window for convenience, and I suddenly realized that it was in fact the perfect curtain and that we definitely needed to bring chocolate brown into the room.

    For help with stuff like this, I recommend Susie Coelho's book Everyday Styling--not sure if it's still in print but she walks you through the process of styling without doing any shopping. Sometimes it helps to see the creative process broken down.
