Friday, April 19, 2013

Hello from Giles' Place

I'm spending the weekend with Giles. These are his baby brussels sprouts,

here are the beautiful blossoms from around the neighborhood,

and these are his beautiful photos (with his new 40 mm pancake lens).


  1. I love Tulip trees!

    How does he plan to grow the Brussels Sprouts once they outgrow the cup?

    This year will be my first attempt to grow a garden from seeds sprouted indoors. Fingers are crossed that everything germinates!

  2. I love that the building has "Deli" written on it. Delicatessans are one of the things I think of when I think of New York, along with the Subway and taxis.

  3. So good you can be with him;). Glad to see hes growing something green in his place! Have a wonderful time! Christina

  4. Oh how fun! Enjoy yourself dear Anna! Give Giles our best.
