Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Darling Little Pan

It's not a big egg, it's a darling little cast iron pan from the thrift store. Just perfect for frying Daisy's lunchtime egg. 


  1. I have one that size that I adore. Will you post your meal plan sometime? I'm kind of bored yet overwhelmed by the amount of recipes available. Everything I have made of yours has been very well received!

  2. We have something like that. And you are mistaken, that is a big egg. That is what my now 17 year old called fried eggs when she was 3 and it stuck. Fried hard, that is, no runny yolk for her. And that size pan is my go to pan for eggs of any kind. Lovely!

  3. We have one of them also. My daughter likes to bake a chocolate chip cookie in it, and then top it with ice cream, (like they do in restaurants) whenever she has a friend over to share it with.

  4. I cannot have enough cast iron pans! I don't have one this small - mine does 2 eggs or 3 in a tight squeeze. My dad just gave me an enormous Dutch oven with a lid - so pleased.

  5. I have that pan, also, and use it every single morning. Mine was a thrift store score from many years ago. Cast iron is one of my favorite things to look for at the thrift store. Usually, they are in pretty rough shape when I get them because it seems that the previous owners didn't know how to care for them. I spiff them up a bit and they are a big WIN for me!

  6. I have two of these from my MIL. We use them nearly every day.

  7. I had a chance to get a Griswold in that size and I passed it up. I am still kicking myself! Enjoy!
