Monday, March 24, 2014

Service Berry

A big vase of service-berry clippings in the kitchen, courtesy of Daisy. So beautiful, but everyone asks, "What's that smell?"

Additionally, a couple of new things in my etsy shop.


  1. That sounds gross! At least they're pretty. It's like Bradford Pears...they're beautiful for a short while, but stink to high heaven!

  2. I know I have heard of serviceberries before, but I can't think what they are , is there another name for them? Are they like raspberries?

  3. The sight of anything blooming at this time looks so impossibly odd to me. We don't even have green grass.


  4. I grew up calling them juneberries, and they are delicious, fresh or in pies! I like them better than blueberries. Lovely photo!

  5. Kara, I think those must be different. This is a tree that's distantly related to pears, puts out a hard little fruit that only birds can eat, and has foul-smelling but beautiful blossoms.
