Monday, June 30, 2014

A New Enthusiasm

In the last week I've developed a fresh wind of enthusiasm for housekeeping. It's been a couple of years since I looked at my daily, weekly, and monthly housekeeping plans, and I've enjoyed revisiting those and redesigning my days, tailored for summertime.

And this being practically the first of the month,  I have the satisfaction of starting with a blank slate.

[Quilt is Black-Eyed Susan, shown with homegrown sunflowers.]


  1. Would you consider sharing your housekeeping routine with us? I am still struggling along - although I have such a strong desire to have a routine - and an orderly, simple clean home - I just can't seem to get it together..... I know that your plan might not work for my home but maybe a peek at what works for someone else would help....

  2. I love that feeling of a fresh slate, and interest again in something that has become a bit mundane. I love that quilt, and always love seeing anything resembling a long shot in your home! Hope you have much joy with your housekeeping in July!

  3. Anna I hope you'll share your changes, on the other end of the world I'm tweaking mine.

  4. Your scenes are so serene, they make me want to put away everything on my counters. :)
    I would love to get re-energized to clean my home, but our oldest and her husband moved back in with us last November, then had twin boys in Feb. My house is a little full these days, and loving it all. However, some days I would love to get my clean and tidy home back. This, too, shall pass.

  5. I too, am thinking today that I need to do something different. It's hot, I've got the garden to care for, and something's got to change.


  6. I echo Jennifer, I would love for you to share what works for you! I know we all have different homes and schedules, but it's often inspiring to see other's routines. I have 4 children, ages 10, 8, 3, and 1 (boy,boy,girl,boy) and so many days I feel so defeated with the house! Is there any wisdom you can pass on to mamas in keeping house while the kids are young? Thanks! Love your blog, been reading for years. :-)

  7. I will share my routines with you all soon--with the understanding that everyone is in a different season of life.

    For you young mothers, or mothers of very young children, I'll repost from a May 2010 post:

    "Honey, it's different for you. Don't expect to be able to do everything during these days. These days are the most challenging parenting you'll do. Keep up with the laundry, feed your family fresh vegetables, sweep the floor when you have to, get some fresh air, and try, try, try to do a little something creative every day. You'll feel so much better."

  8. I would love to eavesdrop on your routines as well. And being a mother of young ones, I often think of this advice of yours, having read it when I first discovered your blog and was devouring the archives. Your advice is a welcome reminder that these years aren't forever, and one day my house might stay clean again for longer than 15 minutes. :)

  9. I thought that was the greatest advice when I read it. It really helped me put housework into perspective. And I enjoy almost every second of having young children and will never wish it away!!!! Not even for a squeaky-clean house, though I love squeaky-clean houses!

    My children eat their vegetables and we are all having fun. I should also add that children become good helpers too-mine are 7 and 3 now and can actually do stuff...not just un-do stuff. :)

  10. love this post. I'm wondering about your advice on the other end - for the times of slog. I have loved homemaking for years. . . . until this spring and summer. . .
