Saturday, July 18, 2015

Simplicity 1080: The Bark Cloth Iteration

I had a lonely bark cloth curtain panel floating around, the only one I'd ever seen at the thrift store. Perfect condition. That fabric is so soft and spongy!

The lower part of the skirt is pale blue linen, and the pockets are cotton print scraps.


  1. i covet bark cloth.
    i know it's wrong .. this coveting thing.
    but i covet bark cloth. wink.
    love your project. :)

  2. ..back to say that i have various bark cloth pieces and you've given me a keen idea.

  3. Lovely dress! It looks so summery and comfortable!

  4. This is lovely! It seems popular, so hopefully by the time it's available in Australia the supply issues will be sorted and I'll be able to get my hands on it!
