Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Books on the Shelves

A big step forward for my new library! We're even sorted by subject, to some extent.


  1. I recall Clara's method with your pantry, I suspect her organising skills have been at work here.

  2. That IS a big step! I think you'll love having a library. I do! (It's more of an open room, though--not as cozy and closed as I imagine yours is.) My books are also organized by subject and it's the best feeling to be able to find everything easily and at a moment's notice. You will have a wonderful place to read and reflect.

  3. exciting!! :-) We are building a new house and it will have a library, too :-) It wasn't in the plan, but my framer realized he could do a 12 ft (or so) wall on one side of the room, so he built it that way, then said, "I hope you don't mind..." We can have one of those rolling ladder things that one only sees in pictures and movies!!! (I think I'll have to buy more books... darn ;-)
    happy reading ~ Tracy
