Thursday, September 22, 2016

A Fluffy New Chapter Begins

That's right, Daisy caught rabbit fever at the fair this year. As of this afternoon she's the proud owner of two of everything--cages, water bottles, feeders, hay racks . . . and lionheads. One lilac, one sable. 


  1. We love our lion head Belle and our Lop Jasper (hubby calls him Stew:-). Somehow the two got together and we have had our share of lionlops! Oh dear, but they are fun! Daisy will love this new venture!

  2. Sweet!...I had a bunny when I was little...I called him Braids...

    ~Have a lovely day!

  3. Please spay/neuter your rabbits and bring them inside. They make wonderful house pets. Too many are being killed at shelters for lack of homes so don't breed.
