Monday, July 31, 2017

A New Quilt Stirs in the Sewing Room

The first thing we do is pull out all the pieces that are looking pretty today, and put them in a stack.


  1. Oh, I love the dark blue fabric with the flowers second from the top (Streublumenmuster = "strewn flowers pattern" in German).

    If you ever do a quilt in greens and plums, I'm calling dibs.:)

  2. mm mm, they look yummy! i never used other than cotton in a quilt , is it very difficult to piece skin or silk - i do hand piece all my quilts. you and your mum are two of my quilting heroes x

  3. Have you ever posted a picture of all your scrap fabric? I'm imagining a great lot of it. That would be a fun post for us!

  4. Shannon, I don't actually have all that much. I have a Rubbermaid bin of reds and pinks, one of neutrals/ yellows/ purples, and a shopping tote of blue and green. It's a mystery to me where all the quilts come from!

  5. I am trying to learn to quilt as well. This winter is going to be the start of my first one and I bet I get it finished if I try hard enough.

  6. Love the colors Anna! Then what do you do next? I'll pull my colors....follow along!! Except I think you are much faster than I will be!! Blessings to you from Kansas!
