Thursday, August 10, 2017

Making Lotion

I accidentally checked out a library book on making your own bath and body products. It's called Little House Living and it's by Merissa Alink. I figured it was a decorating book but it's all about the magic of making these awesome things at home.

After reading some recipes, I realized I had most of the ingredients at hand, and I dove in. I made an eczema salve and sent it home with Felix whose skin is sensitive to the dust of gardening and home renovation. Still waiting for some feedback on that one. I do know that the moisturizing lotion I made for myself is the most effective skin treatment I've ever used. My skin feels like a baby's!

Also, have you smelled cocoa butter?
It's like living in chocolate land.


  1. Thanks for the recommendation! I am going to find it at my own library. I have been successfully treating my son's eczema lately by mixing up about five different things in the palm of my hand every night and rubbing it on his feet, but I guess it would be much easier to make a salve of them, wouldn't it? I'm curious to see what's in Merissa's book too.

    Did you know she also has a blog?

  2. Thayers Witch Hazel has worked wonders on skin issues at our house!
