Monday, August 21, 2017

The Ancient Path

"Ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good is, and walk in it."

That's right, we're using a rotary landline as the main house phone. Fun to dial, and impervious to lightning.


  1. Don't tell me your phones were struck by lightning! Actually, our kitchen phone is a rotary Trimline; I don't mind it, but you can't use it for calls where you need to press a button!


  2. It works when the power is out, and is a great conversation piece!

    I do not think that my children know how to use one, good teaching opportunity!

  3. I would so love to find one for my house!

  4. Vintage for sure! Love the plates too! Christina

  5. Lisa, we lost our phone in the big strike (headcount there: three vehicles, one phone, one computer), and then in the last storm we lost the phone AGAIN and we lost the printer. Tired of it!

  6. I've been THIS close to going to an old fashioned rotary phone in my kitchen. We need to have reliable access to 911 services and the portable phones just don't last long before they get staticky.

  7. Love it!!! However, I see pencils nearby.... My Dad has a memory from the 1940s of being in a big storm and lightening striking the phone line and the electrical surge jumping from the phone to a pencil lying near the phone and the pencil exploding. He was very impressed. Typical boy. :-)

  8. Ah, I love it! Yes, we have found ourselves in a pickle many times since we got rid of our "old" landline last summer. Modernity ain't all it's cracked up to be.

  9. Not many people even have landlines anymore. We still do, and we have a back-up- white, rotary Trimline phone for when the cable goes off also. We experienced our first ever cell phone shut-off when we paid the bill on-line! Still can't figure that one out and why they did it!
    So sorry to hear that you are still having problems with "things".

  10. My parents still have a rotary phone. I grew up using one and still have dreams of messing up the last number and having to start all over. I would like one, myself, but we disconnected our house phone service and just use our cell phones.

  11. A rotary phone!

    I have tried to describe those to kids. It's like saying I met dinosaurs.

  12. Found one at a yard sale a few years ago. Loved it until it fell off the table and broke.

  13. Haha! I have one of these, too, only mine's black. I like the white better.
