Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Oil Painting: Sunflowers

I missed my Tuesday night painting session but hopped over after lunch today, to find that someone had left a bouquet of sunflowers set up. I started this piece, using black canvas which I find strangely compelling.


  1. You're so talented! I really love the sunny color!

  2. I love sunflowers. They are one of the prettiest flowers you can have in a home as far as I am concerned.

  3. Sunny view and thoughts for the last weeks of winter. Well done! Glad to see you back. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I love the concept of painting white over black. It seems perfectly fitting for sunflowers.

  5. I like it! Makes me long for summer and the big sunflowers I like to plant along the fenceline (which invariably serve as a snack for cows, but they're pretty while they last...). So cheery for February.
