Monday, December 19, 2005

Grocery Shopping in Winter

Eating by the seasons makes good sense for many reasons--it's cheaper and things taste better when you eat them near the time they're grown. I've seen lists of what you should buy when, but I find that common sense works well enough when I'm cruising the produce department.

Fruit: The fruitbowl on my kitchen island at this time of year holds oranges, Granny Smith and honeycrisp apples, and pink grapefruit. The tiny Clementine tangerines get their own bowl--they are so delicious and easy to eat that they are our favorite winter fruit.

Vegetables: We have something cruciferous almost every night in cold weather--broccoli, cauliflower, kale, or cabbage. Sweet potatoes, potatoes, and winter squash get roasted several times a week. I'm trying to remember to add other root vegetables; we like parsnips roasted, and I think everyone will eat turnips.

Moms often tell me their children won't eat this or that. To that I can only say "Hmm." I find that my children generally eat what they are offered, and I make sure and offer lots of seasonal produce. They get used to it.

1 comment:

Julie said...

For my little people I have found that if I make them take a little bit each time it is on the table, eventually they forget they dont like something and ask for more. LOL


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