Saturday, April 05, 2008

Felix Has a Big Day

All week Felix had been planning today's Big Green Day--that's a birder's term for a day spent identifying as many birds as possible using only walking or biking to canvass the territory. He had his route laid out from before sunrise to late afternoon, his supplies in his backpack, and his bicycle tires aired up and ready to go.

It was a Big Success: 80 different species spotted today, including ten birds for the year list. His best find was black-bellied whistling ducks.

He covered eighteen miles, got a little sunburned, and is quite satisfied.


  1. impressive!! I am a bird appreciater,I saw a Bald eagle today, I always get so excited when I see them, my dd's and I actually got pretty close to him. We also have a pair of kites that we adore watching oh and the woodpeckers, guess I am a bird watcher. Way to go Felix!!!

  2. How excellent! His passion makes my heart happy.

  3. That sounds like so much fun!

  4. He is such a great kid, he will be such a success at whatever he does.....

  5. what fun to have a bird watcher in the family. :) my father raised me and all my siblings with a love for God's creation, but his two greatest passions are birds and stars. something about being in the sky i suppose. :) i enjoy reading you blog, and can't wait to interact with my children at this age. mine are 3 and 9 months. :)

  6. How fun, and what a pleasant hobby/interest. As usual, lovely photo!

  7. I love birds! But I much prefer to watch them from my kitchen window. ; ) However, I'm sure he had a great day.

  8. Hurrah, Felix!!
    I am not much of a birder myself but I am always fascinated by other people's hobbies. I always share your adventures with my husband when I read of them on your mom's blog. He always says "What a good kid!" Indeed!

  9. How fun! I keep seeing birds around my house and keep thinking "I really need a good bird ID book..." Can you or Felix recommend one?
