Boy did I wake up on the wrong side of this bed this morning! I napped, I walked, I bought a blueberry bush at the store; but nothing soothed the savage beast except the tray of scones Bella made while I was gone (Joy of Cooking).

I felt better after I bit their heads off.
I woke up on the wrong side of the memory foam today myself. I rarely eat wheat, but was craving a big slice of levain, so I got some and I think it's helping. Maybe it's the combination of that and the creamy goat's milk butter that's really doing the trick.
Hope you enjoyed your lovely treat.
Anna - whose heads? The kids', or the scones? :)
It must be something in the air! We had the a.m. crabby in Montana also. Baking is great therapy, isn't it? Did you see the recipe in the New York Times today for no-knead wheat bread?
Those scones look delicious! Bella is obviously an accomplished cook.
Anna, not to nag, but I do hope you post your English muffin recipe. I cannot imagine how they can be homemade and look so perfect as yours did!
cute humor. I can relate.
Well I have had that type of day myself today! But no one made me scones! Glad they helped "take the edge" off!!
thanks for letting us in on the recipe, anna! i'll try these tomorrow.
Hope tomorrow is better...
Would you be willing to send Bella to my house to bake cherry scones on those rainy, dreary afternoons when my savage beast needs soothing? It's usually on a Thursday, say every third Thursday. I'd be much obliged!
Mmmm...scones always make my bad days better! Unfortunately, my kids are not old enough to make them for me. Someday...
Here's hoping tomorrow dawns bright and sunny in your neck of the woods -
What a sweet, thoughtful heart Bella has!
Im glad that the scones did the trick!
Bella is a smart kid. When Im crabby my kids fight louder.....lol
Isn't it a wonderful cook book! I have a copy that belonged to my great-grandmother, along with all the recipes she clipped from the paper and handwritten family recipes...just looking through it makes me feel better!
sweet comfort in quick breads!
They sound wonderful - Bella sure does know how to lift your spirits!
I think those delicious looking scones would do it for me too. How sweet of her to do that for you. I'm sorry it was one of those days and hope tomorrow will be much better.
How come the Cherry Scones don't call for cherries??????????? They look great, but just wondering 'if' I missed something. Thanks. Anne
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