Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Crewelwork Tray

First I was going to cut it out of the frame and turn it into a pillow. Now I'm thinking it's a perfect tray. For a while, at least.


Anonymous said...

Oh I agree, it makes a perfectly *lovely* tray. (o:

Bethany Hudson said...


~katie~ said...

You are so creative ~ neat tray!

(Long time follower of your special blog really inspire me to be a more feminine and godly homemaker! Only wish I could take some sewing lessons from you...) :-)

Lucille said...

I have to admit to being a teeny bit envious of the inexhaustible supply of embroidered cloth your thrift shops yield. What industry there was in the past. I think you are right to leave some of it under glass. My favourite cushion has perished with use.

kath said...

Gorgeous! Now I have to add an embroidered tray to my endless list of projects to do!

Carlie said...

That's genius! I have a tray that has an embroidered insert which I found in a shop once and I really love it but, I've never thought of using framed embroidery as a tray. How fun!

Alyssa said...

I awarded you a Kreativ Blogger Award here:

Kimberly Lottman said...

Unrelated to your post, just wondering if you were familiar with this website?

Thought perhaps you might find it interesting! :0)

Lisateresa said...

It's lovely as a tray - why not? As long as the glass is strong enough. And, that GLH cookbook site looks right up your alley, Anna! I think you should choose a book and do it.

Rebecca Ann said...

So pretty! Anna you always have an eye for photography!

I wanted to let you know that I was very inspired when you made this dress.

I just recently finished my version. You can hop over to my blog to check it out!

Anonymous said...

ooh, what a great idea! I've got some doilies that need something to become.....

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