Clara has adopted a scorched-earth policy when it comes to cutting the hyacinths for the house, because if she doesn't gather them, the deer will.
So we set aside our plan of enjoying them in the garden, and fill all the little pitchers with these heavenly bouquets.
lovely! And don't hyacinths have a nice scent? I just have daffodils and pussy willows right now.
You must be ahead of us in the gardening this year. Our hyacinths are just a couple of inches above the ground right now. I planted several colors of them last year, and look forward to having some gorgeous color soon. Yours are beautiful!
We don't have problems with deer, but I spotted a pot bellied pig in my mother's yard yesterday. That was a first around here.
Oh, so beautiful. Our daffodils are just beginning to come up.
Warm wishes and joy, Tonya
A few hyacinths have a nice scent, yes. But when you get a TON of them together, you will start to gag. Be sure to spread them out around the house to keep them from bowling everyone over (in a bad way).
our hyacinths haven't bloomed yet, but i'm dreaming of smelling yours!
What a nice way to celebrate the arrival of Spring all through the house!
How lovely! I can only grow forced ones indoors in winter as it's much too warm for them here.
Those are just beautiful! :-)
""If thou of fortune be bereft,
and in thy store there be but left
two loaves, sell one, and with the
dole, buy hyacinths to feed thy soul.""
— John Greenleaf Whittier
Hyacinths - my favourite.
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