Monday, April 19, 2010

In Which Bella Makes Quite a Coffeecake

Bella was inspired today by a thrift store cookbook from the early 70's, in which all the baked goods looked like they had been sprayed with orange shellac. I think you know what I mean.

But this coffeecake was sort of wonderful in that you make a simple sweet yeasted dough, and after that it's all trompe l'oeil. Roll the dough out, cut it into twelve parts with a doughnut cutter, and place all the doughnut middles in the middle of the pan. Take each larger doughnut shape and pull on it gently so that it's an oval, and place around the center in a sunburst pattern. Let it rise, and bake it. After it's out of the oven, fill each doughnut well with raspberry jam, and then drizzle the whole with powdered sugar glaze.

Just the kind of low-investment, high-style baking a girl can get behind!


  1. I'm bringin' my cup of coffee...

    Naturally, she wore her raspberry shirt.

    Mmm. just smell the sugah.

    {{* *}}

  2. Mmmmm...sure makes me hungry.

  3. Thanks for sharing the tip. The rolls are beautiful!!! Please tell Bella thanks too!



  4. Oh, I wish I had one right now! Looks delish, and thanks for the instructions. Bella is quite the pastry chef, good for her (or maybe, good for all of you!) :)

  5. Wow Bella did great, it looks delicious! Thanks for sharing :)


  6. Oh, MY. That looks positively mouth-watering!

    I love the way you describe Bella's baked goods - your words are so vivid I can practically taste them.

  7. Bella is amazing! :)

    I know what you mean about those old cookbooks though! My mother had a lot of those 70's cookbooks when I was growing up. I remember being transfixed with the photos: glossy hard rolls at every meal, bright orange dishes and crazy macrame wine caskets which often took precedence over the food being photographed! This looks delicious though! I think your children are proof that if you introduce something to them correctly and let them have at it in their own way, great things can happen!

  8. Looks yummy and it matches your new cushion. :)

  9. What a great idea!! It looks scrumptious!

  10. oh so yummy! I'm going to have to try this!!

  11. I have made that very coffee cake! From BH&G Breads cookbook by chance?

  12. How long has Bella been cooking? She seems to really enjoy it. My girls (17 and 15) have really no interest. I blame it all on their father who keeps the outside in the yard with him (ahem). :)
