Saturday, April 17, 2010

Raspberry Patchwork

Lately I have taken to keeping baskets of patchwork square on the go. That is, every so often I'll dig through the scraps and do a cutting session, usually just in one color family. This week I did a lot of pink-red-raspberry. When I had a bunch, I started sewing them in pairs, which I doubled until I had a big pile of strips made of eight squares. That's when I got really inspired.

Eight strips sewn together as a block look fabulous floating in a canvas setting. And four of those big blocks can be set in muslin strips to make a "floating island quilt" in a crib size. The colors are so rich and vibrant, they almost need to be set off with the cool white, like whipped cream on a raspberry tart.


  1. Anna-
    Your scrap posts always make me sad that I don't know how to sew. I have so many wonderful and nostalgic articles of clothing I can't bear to part with and I'd like to turn into scrap quilts- but I don't even know where to begin with learning how to sew. Access to a machine? Yes. A clue as to how to do it? None. How sad :(

    Dawn :)

  2. So inspiring to see how you create such beauty out of leftovers and thrifted treasures. Thanks again!

  3. Oooh, Anna--delicious! Love the contrast of the dots and stripes.

    Delightful to spy fabrics that have traveled the miles between your home and mine--the roses on lavender that graces my older daughter's apron, and the wee little lasses in turquoise and red for her younger sister's smock.

    It would be ovely to see a shot of the all your new pillows and your orchids as well!


  4. I love the look of this.

  5. I love this patchwork, Anna!

    The colors are so cheerful!

  6. so pretty! i love the colors....they make me want to paint and then sew.

  7. I would never have put those 3 colours together, but you are right, they really work well! Love the analogy about the whipped cream. Right again. That project was truly inspired.

  8. Oh, I love this patchwork! Too bad I can't sew.:(

  9. Love the colors. Reminds me of raspberry lemonade.

  10. Hi Anna,
    I love your sweet pillow!! Aren't scraps just the best?!

    If you don't mind, I want to encourage Dawn (I followed her link but didn't find a way to contact her directly). I couldn't sew either and in my late 20's I was longing to learn. I found a local beginner's class and made some perfectly hideous clothes (straight to the trash!). Then I decided quilting was for me.

    Please don't give up! Find a beginning sewing class and jump in. You won't be alone!! There are several steps to creating a quilt, but overall it's really very easy (unless you choose to complicate it). I'm so glad you have held on to special pieces of clothing to create with. Go for it!!

    Many blessings,

  11. Those are great looking pillows. You have given me some inspiration.

  12. love this type of patchwork, I am working similar pillows.

  13. This is so lovely! I've been trying to finish up a patchwork quilt in the last few weeks and this has really inspired me to take it up again.

  14. That's a good idea - to cut as you go along, a little at a time.

  15. I just love your patchwork pillows! This one makes me crave some raspberry sorbet!

  16. I love each of your patchwork projects- lots of color!

  17. Well, I really like your idea of sewing two squares at a time. That is very easy to do and not in the least overwhelming! Before long, you can have a quilt. Baby steps! Thanks
