Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's Daisy Day

She had her birthday cake all planned out: we had a sketch on the refrigerator with arrows indicating what filling went where. There are chocolate frosting, whipped cream, and raspberries in the schematic.

There is her best friend, a lovely young lady of thirteen now. There is her new hair barette from her grandmother. And the dress carefully chosen to match it.

And at long last, there is Josefina.

This is so much like last year, just with bigger teeth. May it ever be!


  1. Happy Birthday, Daisy! Cake looks tasty! Good choice!

  2. My goodness Anna, is Daisy 7 now??? When I first started reading she was a toddler! Wow time flies!!!

  3. Can we get the recipe for the cake? It looks yummy

  4. Sweet Mom...enjoy...from Mary Brooke B.

  5. Happy birthday, Daisy!
    This is a very special day in our family, too - it's my fathers' birthday and he is 74 years young today. One thing I can tell you though - his birthday cake was no where near as yummy looking as yours! That is one fantastic looking cake! Hope your day was a happy and blessed one!

  6. A happy birthday to Daisy! I'm experiencing a bit of nostalgia here as I recall the excitement of my two girls, as they received their Samantha & Molly dolls. I know Daisy will enjoy her new friend! :o)


  7. Happy birthday Miss Daisy! I'm a day late but big birthday wishes to you from Australia.

  8. Happy Birthday Daisy! I agree that your choice of cake is perfect, it looks yummy!

  9. Happy Birthday Daisy. What a lovely cake choice. Looks delicious.

  10. Oh please post Daisy's sketch of the cake.

  11. Many blissful returns, Daisy!

  12. Happy birthday to lovely Daisy! My youngest sister also had Josefina. She was a well-loved doll, with grandmother-made clothes, homemade doll furniture, etc. Wonderful memories as my sister is now 19. :)

  13. I used my standard chocolate cake recipe:

    and a chocolate buttercream frosting (2/3 c. butter, 1/3 c. cocoa, 2 c. powdered sugar, milk or water to moisten as necessary)

    and a bunch of whipped cream.

  14. Happy Birthday to your Daisy-girl! I love that age doesn't matter in best friends. I found that to be true with our homeschooled daughter, too. She's almost 16 now, and has a best friend who's 13. Love that!
    The cake looks delicious, too. Chocolate cake is the standard for birthdays at our house, too.

  15. Happy Birthday Daisy!!!!

    My youngest daughter loved Josefina...My oldest

    It looks like you had a wonderful day...



  16. Happy birthday, Daisy!

    What a cutie pie you are - great job on picking-out your yummy cake, too!

  17. Josephina - the doll my daughter wants : ) Happy Birthday to your sweet Daisy.

  18. I guess Josefina would say, "Feliz cumpleanos" - my mouth is watering at that cake!


  19. Wow! That cake looks scrumptious! I love it all; the cake, the dress, the barrette, and Josefina... What a lucky girl! :) Happy Birthday, Daisy!

  20. I love how children can be satisfied with such simplicity. Last year my seven year old son exclaimed over his home-baked cake and three gifts, "This is the Best Birthday Ever!!"

    So sweet that Daisy chose her dress to match her new hair pretty from Grandma. Happy Birthday Daisy!


  21. Happy Birthday to Miss Daisy! I agree that simple birthdays are the best! My children love to be able to decide what kind of cake they would like me to make......and I have happy memories of doing the same with my mother when I was a child!


  22. Looks nearly like german black forrest cake to me - just that's done with cherrys...

  23. The birthday cake looks luscious - as do all the dishes that you show on the blog. Glad your daughter had a special day.

  24. lovely. She looks like such a little lady all of a sudden.

    Talking about birthday cakes - decorations, flavors - is a favorite topic with my children, whose birthdays are months away.

  25. Happy belated birthday, Daisy!
    That looks like a very, very tasty cake.

  26. Happy Belated Birthday Baby Girl!
