Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Busy Day in Manhattan

We started with a stint at Mood. Although I had been planning for *months* that I was going to go heavy on the cotton jersey here, when faced with the multitude of choices I almost gave up without buying anything.

Fortunately I met George, who quickly demonstrated that he could read my mind and show me exactly the things I wanted to buy, so we ended with success. and two big bags to carry around the rest of the day.

We dropped in at Purl Soho. No yarn was purchased, but I did get some perle cotton for quilting.

Let's all just recognize that Purl is gorgeous and able to make you want everything on the shelves.

Quick stop for eggplant parmesan sandwiches.

Tea at Harney and Sons.

And back home to dinner at a friend's house.


  1. Good for George!:) It would have been a pity for you to leave without buying anything. It looks like you had a lot of fun--looking forward to the projects that result!

  2. I am really liking your hairstyle!

    Thank goodness for the Georges of the world. I also shut down when faced with too many choices, and a bit of hand-holding and guidance are so useful!!

  3. Wow, that's a lot of fabric! And that's Purl? Plenty of yarn there too. I am so glad that the street shot of you and Cornelia shows a yellow taxi! I googled "biso" but had no luck on learning what it was. (It's on the menu in the bakery.)

  4. Haha, i fear that when (one day) i get to visit Mood, i will also be too overwhelmed to actually buy anything (so i must remember to ask for assistance)!

  5. I hope you called out "Thank you Mood!" when you walked out, like Tim Gunn does :-) All looks like such fun.

  6. My kind of holiday... sigh... all that colour...

  7. I love Mood but it can be so overwhelming when you have 3 stories of floor to ceiling, tightly packed rolls of fabrics to choose from. You're very lucky to have found George. I'm definitely looking for him the next time I'm there!
    Glad to see you're enjoying yourself in NY!

  8. Did you make the grey dress you're wearing? I'd love to know the pattern.

  9. OH - the rolls of fabric... I died and went to heaven just looking at them!!!!

  10. You look like you're having so much fun! G's pictures are fab as usual (and missed!). Thank you for sharing your day with us.

  11. My sisters take a pull along suitcase with them when they go fabric shopping in the city. It makes it easy to transport many purchases. Your blog is a blessing to me.

  12. oh anna you look so beautiful i love what you are wearing did you make it? now for my BIG news I bought a machine its a old but I was told it's one of the best old ones a pfaff so I'm asking for advice something not to hard that has clear instuctions and will fit at the end (is this to much to expect)please advise and I just realized the jersey dresses you make are hand sewn -am I right I am ordering their book (thanks to you)at least I know I can handsew thanks I would have never attempted this next step without your example and the encouragment that your sewing gives thanks again grace what I'm asking for: beginners patterns (name and number) that are stylish and simple any other advice that I should know :)

  13. Oh, a feast for the senses, no doubt. I wouldn't even no where to start at Mood or Purl Soho. What a blast you must be having.

  14. Anna, you look so young!
    Very happy for you that you had a great time.
    Also, like another of your reader commented on the last post about Felix, I love that you worry less then anyone you know ! Doń.t know why but what you said and the way you said it really spoke to me.
    And Clara's pink dress looks really gorgeous, the color, the embelishments...
    Can you guess I'm a faithfull reader but don't get much time to comment? ;-)
    Gabrielle (in France)

  15. How I long to go to Mood! I tried to go last time I was in NYC, but they were closed the day I was there. I was so dejected. I'm so glad you were able to go and stock up. I look forward to seeing all your creations with your new purchases.

    Your happiness shines through the photos.

  16. Sounds fun! Manhattan always sounds so full of color and energy. Hope to visit there someday.

  17. It will be interesting to know, at some point, how their jersey compares with AC's - quality-wise and pricewise.


  18. Anonymous, I posted some easy jersey patterns here:

    Have fun with your machine!

  19. Yay! You made it to the NYC fabric district! And Mood! Looks like you had fun! Enjoy your stay!

  20. I adore Giles documentation of your visit!
