Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Sunny Afternoon in Chinatown

Giles took me to Chinatown after church. Mysterious produce spilling out onto the sidewalks. Dragonfruit? Illicit offspring of a beet and an artichoke?

Stores full of unfamiliar ingredients, mostly the dried, sliced, fruits of the sea. I'd love to know what dried sea cucumber is used for. It runs about $5000 a pound. Maybe it tastes like truffles.

 Dim sum for lunch! 

We said yes to lots of things that looked good without knowing what they were. The carts had helpful plastic signs on them, but they were always placed so that you could only see them as the cart *left* the table, too late.

We regretted nothing.

Did a little walking about afterwards and ended up at the vegan ice cream shop. 

It was perfectly warm in the sun so we sat on a bench and ate our treats . . . for an hour. Some of that was spent admiring our benchmate, a flashy urban guy who was coordinated from head to toe--with his royal blue bicycle.

The shadows got long and it was time to go home.


  1. How funny -- I noticed dragonfruit in the greengrocer's the other day -- so it must be an autumn/spring fruit. Is that central park in the last picture?

  2. I'm just about to plant dragonfruit (cuttings from Frank's workmate). Would you believe it's a succulent??? You would think that a fruit that looks like that would have a taste to match but it's really quite bland. Goodness knows what I'll do with the fruit when it does start to fruit... none of us in the family really like it...

  3. O yes and dried sea cucumber is usually put in soup... or sometimes rehydrated and then used in a Chinese stir fry...

  4. You should have walked over to Little Italy for dessert! Ferrara's has the best cannolis....

  5. Happy birthday Anna! I know your birthday falls around ANZAC day so I hope it's been a nice celebration for you. All the best for the year ahead.

    PS Speaking of ANZACs, one of my verification words is "troops"!

  6. Knowing that being a vegan means subscribing to the most extreme form of vegetarianism, I must ask....What exactly is served at a vegan ice cream shop?

  7. Ice "cream" based on ground almonds, cashews, and coconut milk. It's not bad but it's not great either. Although, if I couldn't eat any dairy, I'd probably LOVE it!
