Thursday, December 28, 2006

Help with Knitting

I hate getting stuck in the middle of a project because I don't know how to do a stitch, or can't understand the directions. In the past, I would have to wait for a visit from my mother, a knitting diva, to straighten me out. Oooh, or go to the yarn shop!

But I have found a third alternative that is much more convenient, though not as much fun: This site is so great that it even accomodates continental-style knitters like myself, by offering video clip instructions for each stitch in both English and continental style. No trying to read descriptions! No interpreting diagrams! You can watch it over and over until you get it! No excuses!


  1. Thanks so much for the link. I'm bookmarking this right now!

  2. Thanks for the link, my 9 year old is trying to learn more stitches from a lady friend we moved away from, and I don't knit. My daughter is left handed-does that automatically make her a continental knitter?
