Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dressing to Wash the Dishes

"She took care to arrange the wrists [of her dress] with extra snap catches so that she might unfasten them and roll the sleeves above her elbows when she washed dishes. Also she had provided a pretty white rubber apron with little rubber frills around the edges which covered her satin gown amply, and was becoming enough in itself so that she would not feel out of place among the well-dressed women."

Grace Livingston Hill, Crimson Roses


  1. Crimson Roses is one of my favorites, but I am always glad, when I read it, that I don't have to wear a rubber apron!

  2. I've not been able to get this one from the library, so I'll have to put out some search parties when thrifting (my mom is a class-a thrifter!). Just started A Daily Rate last night, which I couldn't put down and am really enjoying. If I get nothing else from your blog, I get a great reading list (but I get lots of other gems too, don't you fret!)

  3. I read this one years ago. I love her books. Two of my very favorites are According to the Pattern and Marsha Schuller. Kathi

  4. Inspiring!

    I usually do the dishes in my pajamas. Guess I could do better! LOL


  5. Ahh, speaking of reading lists gleaned from this blog...
    I am a new reader, first time commenter, and LOVE everything about your blog. Anyway, I recently started to read Hens Dancing. You know I have to ask, did you name your boys after these characters, or is this just an amazing 'concidence'? By the way, I love both names.

  6. I would try to figure out how you would put rubber frills on a apron! My favorites of hers are Brentwood and In the way I think it is.
