Saturday, March 06, 2010

Daisy Unloads the Dishwasher

In the Housekeeping X Games, Daisy's favorite event is Extreme Dishwasher Cross, a sport characterized by intense verticality and dangerous stacking.


RhondaK said...

What a sweet picture--my four-year-old son was just doing the same thing this morning. He's been unloading the silverware rack for quite some time and handing me the dishes for me to put away but today I thought he might be ready for the full job. He uses the same standing-on-the-counter method that Daisy employs.

Elizabeth said...

so sweet! little knock-knees.

JMS said...

Complexity added by the fact that she is wearing tights.

Julie in Australia

Lucille said...

I wondered what she was getting up to these days. And now I know. Yikes.

Anonymous said...

Oh my word! That is just too precious!

Polly said...

Love those TIGHTS!

What a helper! My son is not an at her pro level yet; he's an amateur, but his sport is "moving dining chair to kitchen and *helping* to cook eggs/soup/anything." He can somehow manhandle that chair to the counter in about 3.1 seconds flat.

I love helpers.

Hana said...

I wanted to comment earlier, but our internet connection is wonky these days, so it didn't post...
It's really an extreme sport. She's brave!

Rose said...

One day Daisy will grow tall enough to reach the top shelf from a standing position on the floor, I'll still be needing a step ladder. :)

Lara said...

Oh that is so adorable! She looks a lot like my daughter! :-)

Gillian said...

I still do this, to clean the tops of the cabinets. And I'm 6' tall! I love her tights.

Rebekah said...

I must not let my Ginny see this picture!

Tracy said...

She just continues to be so sweet and charming!

Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

Beautiful Picture! Isn't it wonderful how eager children are to help mommy at that age : ) My boys love unloading the dishwasher for me! Such helpers they are!!!

Jacki said...

I found your blog through Home and Harmony. What beautiful pictures paired with meaningful words. IT's so good to see so many christian women stating so much about their faith. Glad to join here.

Joanna said...

My little sister is learning to do that. Very cute picture.

Sharon said...

That is too precious!!! Thanks for making me smile Anna! Have a blessed day in the Lord!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Sweet! This is exactly what my 7 year old does! Love it!

Cheryl said...

This photo is so very cute! (And your commentary so clever. :-)

Carla said...

I've been known to use countertops myself. At least Daisy will probably grow tall enough to get into the upper cabinets without a stool!

Grace at Home said...

And in slippery tights too! Cute though. :)

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