Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Vintage Desk Diaries

An amazing find at the thrift store. Unprepossessing covers, but these are blank books for recording the day's business!

A few of the pages have the day's supper plan jotted down, under the featured Sexton product of the day. Mmm, dried chestnuts, but they didn't make it into the menu.

Each book has a helpful front section, "Institutional Recipes of Authoritative Origin." Veal goulash for 80? No problem. Angel chiffon pie for 60? Right here.

Hidden inside the wonderful vintage pages, though, are ten or so handwritten entries in shaky, old-lady cursive. She pours her heart out on the page, her bewilderment about why "Betty" hates her so, and won't even let her see the grandbabies. Worse, Betty has teamed up with Momma to cut her out of the family. Sorrow and humility, circa 1966. Once I realized what I was reading, I set it aside. I believe I'll remove these pages and destroy them for her, with a prayer that she was reconciled with her daughter before it was too late.


  1. Wonderful find!

  2. Anna-
    Bless you for your prayer and removing the personal entries from the books. You are such a thoughtful person! The books are wonderful though. So practical and the "institutional" recipes remind me of my grandmother's church cookbooks- with recipes for how to feed an army of hungry men, women, and children- ham salad, chili, corn chowder!!!

    In Christ,

  3. I have experienced something similar to what you've described, Anna, having come across some confessional prayers tucked inside a thrifted book I got a few years ago. It felt strange...a bit voyeuristic, I guess. Just to be aware of something so very personal, though the individual was unknown to me, made me feel funny.


  4. What an amazing find! Yes do destroy those pages, she wouldn't have wanted them to linger on.

  5. Veal goulash?! That would have caused problems in my family for sure.

    I agree with your decision to remove those pages; and hopefully, the problems were worked out well. Life is too short. Thank you for sharing this.

  6. Oh what a wonderful find - the dear woman - do you think you'll try some of the recipes on a smaller scale ; )

  7. how do you FIND this stuff? so cool. and, i guess there is just always going to be drama in the world...glad hers fell into responsible hands.

  8. How cool! Lucky girl! Hope you have a good day.

    ~F. Suzanne

  9. What a find! I'm glad you are removing the Personal stuff....And I also pray that there was a reconciliation....

  10. I hope if someone finds my diary they will be so thoughtful as you are.
    Beautiful books.

  11. Yes, a good idea - and an interesting find.

  12. Okay-you have the BEST thrift stores--hands down! I want to come thrifting with you!!

  13. We are so bless that my husband's grandmother kept diaries very similar to this! I have about 30 years worth to go through. It's wonderful to see what she did and when. : )
