Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The Typewriter and I Meet at Last

Finally, finally I met up with the typewriter I knew was waiting for me in a thrift store somewhere. I knew it would be small, and sleek, and in good working condition. I did not know it would be like new, with a perfect brown carrying case.

Its place of honor on the dining table, where everyone is making friends with it, most especially Daisy.


  1. Anna,
    Is your life truly as wonderful as it looks? :)

  2. So lucky! I have been searching for just such a thing. I had one growing up and it would be so great to have one again. So useful when making cards or to give someone a recipe or for scrapbooking. And to type out a nice long letter for someone.

  3. Beautiful! All typewriters deserve to be so honoured.

  4. Oh. Goodness. At Daisy's age, I too was entranced by the typewriter, and when I was a little older, I found big black manual typewriter in my grandmother's attic that looked like some Anne Blythe might have used. There's something so appealing about mechanical machines, isn't there? You can watch the magic, unlike the mysterious inner whirrings of the PC.

  5. Long-time reader, infrequent commenter here~

    My daughter has the exact same typewriter, a gift from her grandparents. It's so much fun to hear her clack-clacking away. Have fun with your new toy!

  6. A classic! Sure to create precious memories that begin with the phrase, "I remember when..." Enjoy!

  7. ah...same here when my kids were younger.

    Not quite Gilbert and Sullivan, but has Daisy seen this classic Jerry Lewis...


    deb meyers

  8. I, too, am holding out hope for a typewriter find at my local Goodwill. I so enjoyed playing with the one my grandmother had when I was a little girl.

  9. oh! I suddenly would like to have that satisfying clack as I type! Great find for you.

    When I saw your post title I thought you were going to tell us you are writing a book. . .

    and I see your daffodils in the background. Mine haven't pushed out of the ground yet in the frozen north (or maybe the squirrels got the bulbs).

  10. Yes! At last! I received a typewriter for my HS graduation 2 years ago.... and it has been my faithful friend ever since.

  11. Oh, yeah. I saw a blue one- carrying case, too!- sometime back. I gotta go see if she's still for sale in that antique store.

  12. How fun! I hope you can find ink ribbons for it.....there has to be some out there somewhere. :) I still have the classic eraser pencil in my desk drawer....just gives me a warm fuzzy when I see it. :)

  13. My daughter desperately wanted one after seeing the Kit Kittredge movie a couple of years ago. My husband found one on ebay and the look on her face when she opened it was priceless! The clickety clack from her room was very soothing I found:)

  14. LUCKY!! Don't you just love the smell of oiled metal? And the tap, tap, tapping of the keys? Been looking for one myself!
    Daisy can type up her own book with pictures she draws
    herself!! I am so excited for you and her! http://www.drawyourworld.com/drawwrite.html


  15. So glad it's a Remington - makes me think of Laura Holt in 'Remington Steele.'
