Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Storm after Storm

When I invited all the divorced parents for Easter dinner it never occurred to me we might *all* have to squeeze into one tornado closet. In the end we didn't, though there was a lot of standing around in the yard looking down at iPhones, looking up at the sky.

We receive the weather as it comes, unable to stop or control or change it. Here we are, watching it roll in, changing our plans or postponing our trip to the city, doing what we can to stay safe.

It is so beautiful, so powerful and large, taking up the whole sky. We are one family in a wooden house on a hill, trusting ourselves to our Father, at Easter, and all the other times too.


  1. That's just it isn't it Anna. God is full of surprises but he who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty (Ps 91). I'm relieved that you are all safe.


  2. Well said...so glad you're all safe and sound. It has been quite a year!

  3. May God bless and keep you! Praying for you and yours.

  4. Oh, my - I was wondering if that was the issue.

  5. Oh, wow . . . tense times. So glad that all the divorced parents didn't have to spend the day in totally close quarters!!

  6. Beautiful post and so true. I'm so thankful for our caring Father and His awesome displays of creation. Glad you're safe!

  7. I have been worried about your family, knowing all the storms in your area (well, I don't know your area but I have a good guess). I pray he continues to keep you safe!

  8. Shelley, not only did the roof stay on, we all had a very good time together. And, my mother's gravy was excellent!

  9. So good to know you are all 'safe'! Blessed Eastertide to you and yours.

  10. Amen. Thanking God you and yours and others are safe.

  11. So glad everyone is safe -
    Happy Happy Easter, Anna!
    He is risen!
    Alleluia! Alleluia!

  12. oh my - I don't know about tornado closets where I live. Is it just the interior closet that's not close to windows??

    Glad you are all safe. And I hope you can pass on your mother's gravy making wisdom. It's such an art and I have not mastered it!

  13. 1. So glad you were all safe in His arms!
    2. Mmm... the gravy!
    3. *tears* Your compassion for those who might otherwise feel lonely on Easter. Bless you, my friend.

  14. We can relate to that here, too. We've had storm after storm for about 3 weeks now. Just had another tornado warning at 5 this evening. The Lord has protected us from each one, and there's a peace that can only come from HIM.

  15. Storms have a good way of making us small, don't they? Love your creativity, makes me want to sew!

  16. I have heard of storm cellars, I guess closet is another way of saying this? Do you have to go underground if the tornado is really threatening?
