Monday, July 18, 2011

Daisy and the Scientific Method

How did I get just the right birthday present for Daisy? Easy: the scientific method. First I observed that she likes to curl up on the floor in a tight ball with her arms around her doll and her blanket, and huddle over a book. Then I hypothesized that she would love to do this on a personal-sized sheepskin rug. Then I bought the rug and gave it to her for her birthday.

Last I evaluated the data that you see above, and found that it does, in fact, confirm my hypothesis.


  1. The present that just keeps on getting better - she loves it now, but just wait till winter and it will be even better!

    Daisy is so adorable :)

  2. Sherlock Holmes could be proud of such deduction. :D

  3. Ah - her own little space.


  4. The scientific method is such a blessing! ;) Cute post.

  5. Do the animals enjoy the rug as much as Daisy?

  6. I also deduce that Josefina is now a valued member of the family. What sweetness!

  7. Ha! This made me chuckle!!!!


  8. I recognize Josefina! My 10yo daughter has Elizabeth, who is also fond of curling up with a good book. : ) I'm betting Miss Lucy Gray might also become rather fond of that rug...

  9. Ah! You just reminded me that I bought these for my kids when they were little. They loved them! Daisy looks so sweet reading her book with Josefina! Good times. :)

  10. Awww!Daisy looks so cozy and adorable.I need a sheepskin rug:)
