Monday, January 23, 2012

Africa II


  1. Such amazing photos! Thanks so much for sharing this with us!

  2. These are absolutely wonderful photos — my favourites are the woman in profile smiling, and the two children sitting in school with the sun on their faces. Beautiful. Giles is very talented.

  3. These look like pictures from the National Geographic. What an excellent photographer Giles is!

  4. These pictures may be more beuatiful than the first group. Maybe.

  5. Just wonderfull Anna. The joy is evident...we dream of having our children travel a bit like that for a real education. I know you must be very grateful in your heart! warmly from Mary Brooke

  6. Beautiful photos, however you refer to the country as west africa, what is quarter of the continent. Is there any reason, why you don’t share, where did they go? You know it’s quite insulting to the countries to generalize them this way. Many nations around the world fought for many years for their identity and they are proud of their countries and frankly don’t like to be referred in general form like that.

  7. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Some photographers use people as objects, but your son has not only retained their humanity but also captured the spirit of God in each of them. Wow.

  8. Such photos. To capture a kind and hopeful spirit amongst deprivation requires talent, and Giles has it.

  9. Saying 'west Africa' is not any more insulting than it is to say someone spent time in western Europe, eastern Europe, or southeast Asia. It's a shame many people tend to overgeneralize about Africa and forget it includes over 50 countries with unique histories, but come on. A region of the continent is plenty valid in this case, when she isn't making any normative statements about what "African" countries are like.

  10. Beautiful photos. What an amazing experience!

  11. Yes, Stephanie. And sometimes privacy trumps specificity. :)

  12. wonderful pics! thanks for sharing!

  13. The light on that
    beautiful woman's face
    is divine.

    I want to wear her garment of praise.

    {{* *}}

  14. That young man of yours has a gift.... the lighting and composition are amazing.

  15. Loved seeing the AWANA group! Great pictures that really show emotion.
