Friday, August 30, 2013

Felix Loses

It never fails--when Felix comes home from school he engages in a battle with the couch, and loses every time.


  1. I well remember the utter exhaustion that would descend upon me, during my college years, when I would visit home. My parents would give me the gift of time to sleep, and what a welcome gift that was! :)

    Is it still so precious to watch your child sleep when he's that old as it is when he's a baby? :)

  2. It's nice that he's close enough to come home frequently. :)

  3. I can totally relate to Felix's dilemma. I lost my own battle with the couch after an excursion with my youngest students this week.

    Felix looks pretty comfy there!

  4. I can understand that. The poor bloke has been without a bed for weeks!

  5. And what a nice looking couch it is to sleep on...comfy quilt and all...pleasant dreams!

  6. Looks like a "win" to me :)

  7. Call me crazy, but it looks like he's taking the loss pretty well! :)
