Tuesday, February 22, 2011

In Praise of the Floor Cloth

What is not to love about a floor cloth? I needed a new rug for the living room so I whipped one up *from the stash*--you know that means it was free. I had a length of black and white floral, a pass-along I never thought I'd use, and doubled it was just the right size for my space. I interlined it with a piece of canvas, stitched it on the machine, pressed it, and was done. With my fabric on the top and bottom, I only have to wash it half as many times--the rest of the times I'll just flip it over.

I have only used these when I have a piece of furniture weighing the center down, so I can't answer for a free-floating one. But for anchoring my living room? Yes.


Lisa said...

Definitely something to remember - a really nice idea.


Margo said...

Anna! I'm floored! (ha) My linen for a floorcloth is right this very minute drying on the rack - and it's totally inspired from your first floorcloth, the red one.

And I thought of that doubled benefit too, plus the endless possibilities with fabric.

I'm going to interline mine with towels because it's supposed to serve as the muddy water/drip catcher between the front door and the sitting bench with the boot trays. Hm. I hope the towels make it heavy enough to stay in place. But tra-la, I got the linen half-off the clearance price, so I'm not scared of it.

Mrs. Kelley Dibble said...

I too have done this-- both with fabric and by painting the canvas. Yours is so delightful.

Kate said...

We have a floor cloth in our living room, just a small one. I want to do one for my dining room, but I don't relish the time consumption of painting it. I'm wondering if you could somehow varnish or poly-coat this fabric to help stiffen it up and make it mop-able. I may to experiment!

Val said...

Very cool. Floor cloths of a slightly different sort were very common historically....except that they were painted heavily with linseed oil. I like your idea, though!

Johanna said...

What a lovely idea! I'll keep it in mind for the next time I want to spruce up my house.

Camille said...

What a lovely idea. It's a pretty piece of fabric...looks wonderful!


kimberly said...

you're back!!! yay!! =)

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