Monday, July 30, 2012

Wontons for Dinner

Cream cheese, green onions, crab meat, and a dab of flour mixed and chilled, then rolled up in wonton wrappers and fried. Served beside a huge green salad with grated carrot, sliced cucumbers, and stir-fried chicken.

Can you tell Bella is home from camp? I can.


val said...

Can I come home from camp too? To your house, lol? It sounds divine. love, Val

Anonymous said...

Yumm,yumm, yummy! Craving all this good food! I found a recipe for Italian Cream Cake after reading your post the other day, and am going to make that one as well as those wontons! This is what happens when one is doing P90X and eating 1300 calories a day!

All my best,
Maria Ricci

Anonymous said...

Yummy is the word! I like how Bella paired it with the salad to balance the meal & a tummy! Have a lovely day~ Ivy Jane

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

That looks so good!

I love the fact that my daughter is happily married.

I love my son-in-law and five grandchildren.

I really, really miss her cooking when she lived at home!

My oldest granddaughter, Elisabeth who is ten, is going to culinary camp for kids in a few weeks. We start the third generation really young. ;)

Rose said...

I never thought to serve a salad with wontons, great idea Bella.

Tracy said...

Bella is welcome to take a trip to my house!!! We love wontons, although ours usually end up in wonton soup and are made with chicken mince. Bella obviously has more time to make a beautiful meal out of it all though. Does she want to visit Australia?!

Sew Blessed Maw [Judy] said...

Bella.. this looks fantastic..

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