Tuesday, October 20, 2015

After the Weekend

Wow! That was a weekend and a half. The retreat went wonderfully, and I came home Sunday at lunch to a house full of delightful people--the usual suspects, plus Felix and a guest, plus a couple of musicians I won't name but who were the source of great excitement and pinching myself (are they really here?!?!) And the concert that night: magical.


Rose said...

So glad it all went well Anna -- I knew it would. I do hope your finger is much better.

Anonymous said...

Oh Anna. In my case it would be coming home to a house full of undone laundry, unwashed dishes etc.......well perhaps not a house full but a few anyway. I was looking over some of your old posts about cleaning and I am happy to say that some of my daily routine is similar to your own so I'm on the right tracks anyway. Thank you for your lovely inspirational blog. It always has such a sense of calm, order, peace and beauty about it. God Bless, Angela.

Farrah said...

Ooooh, intrigue...I am glad that you had a good time and that you returned to a delightful surprise.

jenny_o said...

Great success :)

TheTayloress said...

Dear Angela,
Anna's home has been my inspiration too while we work in ours. (Literally under construction.) It is restful to see gleaming walls and shining floors. And the simplicity, yet beauty of things brought in from the garden... like refueling, of hopes and plans, of inspiration and motivation.
This year has been a full one, and a hard one, on top of the "normal" state of things, and I had an inner complaint running "if only I had a motivating, cheerleading friend, to push beyond the survival mode of the 'manageables'".
Well, for one thing, the first glory goes to Jesus Christ. When I cried out to Him, and set my mind to love Him with all my heart, and mind, and soul and strength, He was faithful! He helped me through every rough spot; every tough morning. And I am learning "The Joy of The Lord IS your Strength"!
Then, my sister-in-law asked me if I have heard of the FlyLady."You get a bucket of emails, and lots o's sales pitches about cleaning products, but her zones are quick and helpful. They really make a difference." Now, this is from an expectant mother with four young boys... and her home is "homier" than mine. So I signed up for the emails. (For simplicity I'd recommend the Home school collection, if you don't have young children in public school) and started taking babysteps. It's really helping. And most of all, in keeping an upbeat frame of mind. You can do anything for 15 minutes! And, You are Not behind! God bless you with His Presence. Sincerely, Em

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