Monday, November 03, 2008

Beginning My Deep Clean

"' 'Good night, Mom!' said Thurlow, climbing down from the ladder to change the water in his bucket. 'I never suspected this room was so large. I would have said I could do the whole thing in an hour. But then, I never knew it was so bloomin' dirty.'"

--Grace Livingston Hill, April Gold


Anonymous said...

I love Grace Livingston Hill's books. They are stylish, thoughtful, giving, and blessed. My copies are doubly special because they were passed down to me by my grandmother before she died. She introduced me to them as a teen. I can't look at them without thinking of what a blessing she was in my life.

Rachel said...

"April Gold" is one of my favorite G.L.H. books. I love how they take that little dirty house and make a cozy home out of it! So sweet and inspiring.

Anonymous said...

I finished this book recently and I, too, loved how they cleaned up that little house and made it a cosy, comfortable, clean home. It was a great testimony to their neighbors as well. (o:

Adrienne said...

What a great post today! I need to do the same. My dear little mother has all of the old Grace Livingston Hill books and 'April Gold' is one of my favorites. I know I would have loved that sweet little house! ~Adrienne~

Edi said...

A big clean for me begins with a "feeling"...and that's what happened yesterday. I was all set to keep my usual routine of exercise and breakfast - but the night before I had begun thinking some rearranging thoughts which then turned to big cleaning thoughts and I was off.

Since I was already doing a big clean - I decided it was a good time to invite an elderly couple for supper this week and when I called I even said "you can come tonight". I was kind of hoping that would happen so I'd be sure the place was spic and span :)

Polly said...

Yards, rooms, and cars always seem so small until we start to mow/scrub/clean them, don't they?? I never realized how enormous our tiny bedroom was until I did this. It made me grateful to live in a relatively small house!

Anonymous said...

Today I am deep cleaning. I always clean when I am nervous:)


Sleepless Stitch said...

I have a bunch of Grace Livingston Hill books!!
They are my favorite!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your love of G.L. Hill. I recently enjoyed Astra & The Enchanted Barn from the library. Also I just wanted to thank you for the peace & calm your blog imparts. I try to catch up at the library when I can as we are off-line at home.
Thanks- Leslie

Anonymous said...

I just reserved that book at my library after reading the post. I did not realise there were so many books that she wrote! What are your favorites?

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