Somehow this year, my vegetable garden is a little land of enchantment. It is yielding things for my table and is a joy to work in. I do have to water it every day--but the upside is that there is literally not a weed in it, since nothing grows that isn't watered, the drought is so bad.
Anna, you're seeing the good in everything!
I wish I could send you some of our rain! We've had so much of it here it the Northeast. Everything is so lush and green, but it definitely curtails outdoor fun!
oh no, there's a lovely rain falling outside my window this minute. I didn't realize you had a drought going.
Our green beans plants are just peeking through the dirt. I'm excited to get beans!
Life is good when one is able to find the upside to a drought. Here in the Northeast we are weeding daily so that our seedlings can see the light of day. At least we can enjoy the fresh air.
I am learning that the drought we are experiencing is better for the garden than the very wet weather we had for a couple springs. Who knew?
Of course, it helps that we have well water and don't have to worry about the cost of having to water the garden every day!
This has been the best our garden has ever looked and all we lost were a few cool weather plants when it became so hot in March.
Looking forward to green beans from our garden. They are a few weeks off.
Congratulations, they look delicious! (Now you've got me humming Green Beans In The Garden, lol)
No beans yet here, but our lettuces, spinach, & onions have been fantastic! We could use more rain, but things aren't bad. I tend to like to hand-water. I use a homemade concoction of fish water, stinging nettle & a little chicken manure...just a tablespoon or so per gallon of water...the plants do love this!
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