Tuesday, January 26, 2010


A common breakfast sight since Bella got a popover pan for Christmas. The only drawback is that they take a while to bake. But worth it! And you can just use regular muffin pans if you want.


Whisk 1 c. flour with 1/2 t. salt in a large bowl. In a small bowl whisk 2 eggs, 1 1/4 c. milk, and 1 T. melted butter. Then fold the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, stirring very lightly until mostly blended. Bake for 15 minutes at 450, then 20 minutes at 350. Serve at once! With jam!

(recipe: Joy of Cooking)


Lucille said...

So that's what a popover is. We call them Yorkshire puddings and serve them up with roast beef for Sunday lunch! So alike and yet so different.

Anonymous said...

I have heard of popovers, but have never seen a popover pan!

Sonya, Australia

Carlie said...

MMMMM....Looks fabulous.

Popovers=Yorkshire pudding? Wow. I had no idea...

And I also had never heard of a popover pan.

Anonymous said...

In one of my favorite memories ever, my husband and I sat among others on a beautiful spring day atop a mountain in Maine and ate popovers and fish chowder.

Just delicious! And Bella's are also lovely. I see them dripping with fresh strawberry jam.

Lisateresa said...

Popovers! I haven't made those in years - so cool, the way they *pop over*.

Tiffany said...

Mmmm. I have never had one!

Jenilee said...

they sound really good! and they look good too!

Rebekah said...

I wondered if they would work in a muffin pan. I don't have a popover pan, but I've really wanted to try making them. I may have to try Bella's recipe!

Kimberlee said...

They look lovely, as does everything Bella cooks. May I ask, do they come out of the pan easily and with what do you butter it? I tried popovers recently but they stuck horridly in my muffin pan. I would love to be able to make them regularly as they were delicious. Thanks!

Jennifer said...

Those look delicious!

Anonymous said...

I've never made popovers, but having lived in North Yorkshire for three years can say the recipe is just a *little* different for Yorkshire Puddings:

* 4 large, fresh eggs, measured in a jug
* Equal quantity of milk to eggs
* Equal quantity of all purpose/plain flour to eggs
* Pinch of salt

Mix the ingredients together-I use a blender. Let sit at least 30 minutes, but several hours if possible. Take your tin and add 1/2 tsp oil or meat drippings into each hole (use every other hole for better rise if using a muffin tin), then put that pan in a 450 degree oven until the oil is smoking, about 5 minutes. Whisk 2 tbsp water into the batter, then pour into the oiled tin(s). Bake for 20 minutes.

Typically you'd serve with an au jus type of gravy.


Anonymous said...

Whenever I think of popovers, the old Little Women movie with Katherine Hepburn comes to mind. The March family sees their Christmas breakfast and cry delightedly "Popovers!". Then the family decides to give their Christmas breakfast away and each girl grabs a dish to carry out the door. Amy grabs a dish and dejectedly cries"I'll bring the popovers".
Amy F.

the momma said...

if making in muffin cups ~ how many would this make & how full should the cups be filled?


Somebody's Nana said...

Oh! Popovers! These were childhood favorites for Sunday night supper before church! Mmmmmm...

Anna said...

Be sure to butter the muffin tins, and fill them 2/3 of the way up.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna!
My sisters and I tried this recipe (in muffin tins, of course) yesterday morning for breakfast! DELICIOUS!! The taste reminded us a lot of french toast so we sprinkled powdered sugar over top instead of spreading jam. You have us hooked on popovers now.


Ynaffit said...

These are popular in my house. They are great, fresh out of the oven with a bit of jam.... Or for dinner, on the side of roast with au jus.... But lately, I have loved serving them stuffed.... With mashed potatoes, thin sliced roast beef, and gravy!!!!!

P.S. I make mine in muffin tins!

And make sure you put a bit of crisco in the bottom of the tins so they will pop out... And melt them in the oven right before you add the batter

Amy said...

Ah yes, I have made those before, though I just used a regular muffin pan. And mine turned out a bit...black. :-/ At least the first batch. The second batch was fine.

Unknown said...

We made oven-baked pancakes with fresh peach topping for dinner. The pancakes are like GIANT popovers and were a hit with the entire family. I should have taken pictures.

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